Free Novel Read

Texts from Jane Eyre Page 7

  the window is killing you?

  it’s so terribly full of glass

  I see

  theres just glass all over it

  i don’t know how you stand it


  I manage

  i dont think ill make it through the night

  well I’ll be here if you need me

  and to think i once stepped outside the house

  to stand in the sun

  yes, I remember that day

  what a strong and foolhardy girl i was then

  dear Laurie

  dearest Laurie

  surely at this point you know

  i can’t possibly marry you

  i’m so sorry

  please try to forgive me


  of course I’ll respect your wishes

  but why?

  there’s no one who knows you better

  i know that

  we have such fun together

  we do!

  and you’re dear to me

  and jolly

  and clever

  cleverer than me anyhow

  and I

  I do love you

  most awfully, Jo

  Laurie, I can’t

  please don’t ask me again

  I can’t help but ask

  and I can’t give you any answer but no

  all right

  all right

  Oh Meg, darling

  it’s all over

  Beth is with Father now

  Jo, Father still isn’t dead


  I saw him not four hours ago

  could have sworn he died at sea

  or somewhere

  Jo, I’m sorry about what I said the other day

  I know how you feel about marriage

  and — and everything

  Oh, Laurie

  that’s all right

  you’ll never marry anyone

  your writing is too important

  that comes first


  I do admire you for that, really I do

  you’re going to do tremendous things

  that’s awfully kind of you to say

  and I count myself lucky to know you

  I do, Jo

  we’ll be old bachelors together

  you and I



  the thing is, chum

  running a cattle ranch

  somewhere out West

  turns out I am going to be married after all

  I’ve met someone, I mean

  please understand I never intended to

  he’s the most wonderful man

  very old

  much older than me


  he’s German

  very German

  so German it’s hard to understand him at first when he speaks

  and you’re going to marry


  with yourself

  you’re going to be marrying him yourself I mean

  his mustache is enormous

  bushy and gray and covered in crumbs

  all of him is covered in crumbs

  he’s filthy haha

  well that’s just

  oh and he just hates my writing

  criticizes my work unceasingly

  I see

  i really cannot overemphasize

  how much he disapproves of my voice as a writer

  wants me to change everything about it


  how can I compete with that


  please don’t blame yourself


  Part V

  darling I don’t mean to criticize but

  you really hurt your father’s feelings last night

  hes not my real dad

  why do you even like him

  Henry David Thoreau

  im going to the woods ok


  im going to live deliberately

  with essential facts

  im going to suck all the marrow out of the trees


  so dont follow me

  how long are you going?

  i dont know

  however long it takes to live deliberately

  so maybe a few months

  or maybe forever gonna live in a cabin


  i’m happy for you

  can i use your cabin

  you want to live in my cabin?

  well i dont have a cabin

  i need to be self sufficient

  so i need to use your cabin

  hey do you mind if i have some friends over to the cabin

  how’s it going out there

  are you living deliberately

  yeah pretty deliberately i guess

  but its pretty boring out here without friends over

  i guess so

  as long as you keep things tidy

  there’s not room for many other people

  no for sure for sure for sure

  just the alcotts

  and the hawthornes

  and ellery is already here

  he is?

  yeah he sleeps on the floor by me

  plus people are always stopping by to see me

  and my self sufficient cabin

  you mean my self sufficient cabin

  the self sufficient cabin


  i invited a lot of them to spend the night too

  the more the merrier thats my motto

  just me and the lonely whispering of the wind among the reeds

  and also the alcotts and the hawthornes

  and my best friend ellery

  and anyone else who happens to come by


  a lot of people

  twenty five or thirty souls, with their bodies,

  at once under my roof

  give or take

  hey do you want to come over

  i just stole some pies


  this lady just left out pies on her porch

  so i took em

  self sufficiently

  i don’t think that’s very self sufficient

  well i don’t think you’re very

  shut up just come over

  just come over to the damn woods

  you know what i think are brave



  and muskrats

  awfully brave

  not like the great mass of mankind

  what’s so brave about them

  you wouldn’t understand

  hey would you bring some more molasses if you’re coming back


  im all out

  how much molasses do you need

  i dont know


  clearly if id known from the beginning i wouldn’t need more now

  so i guess “more” is the answer

  why don’t you just come over

  and you can get all the molasses you need

  and you can stay in town for a few nights

  i think maybe that would be a good idea

  no way man

  no way

  your life is a hollow shell

  no offense but id rather die than stay at your house

  just bring the molasses when you come over tomorrow

  and also some more shoes because i lost the last pair

  and some books

  and pens i need pens

  but thats it

  and a thing of beans

  thats for sure it

  do you know whos my family ralph


  these squirrels

  these squirrels and this chipmunk and that crow over there

  the crow on the chimney?


  not that one

  god i hate that one

  hes not my family

  hes a fucking asshole

sp; Daisy Miller

  hey daisy

  you look so good in that green dress today!!

  so glad you’re wearing it

  thank you!

  quick question

  were you going to wear it like

  to dinner?

  i was


  or is it like

  a “joke”

  i thought maybe it was a joke


  what makes you ask?

  oh my god

  no reason at allll

  totally just asking

  it looks so good on you

  and i think you’re super brave for wearing it


  why brave?

  ahahahhahaha you are such a KIDDER

  you and that green dress

  not that i’d really call it a dress

  see you at dinner!!!

  see you and also i guess see that dress at dinner!!

  The Island of Dr. Moreau

  what do you think would happen

  if you mixed a hyena and a man together


  like mixed their bodies together I mean


  like if you cut them up and then smashed them together and then sewed them back up

  I don’t know

  what kind of a question is that

  I bet a lot would happen

  Daisy Miller

  Part II

  hi Daisy


  so I feel like I have to tell you something

  normally I wouldn’t say anything but I feel like

  we’re friends now

  how kind of you

  anyhow I just thought you should know

  that there’s someone in Vevey going around impersonating you

  some sort of…coquette


  what I mean is

  last night Mrs. Sanders saw someone dressed just like you

  having dinner

  in a restaurant

  is that all?

  a restaurant with MALE waiters


  naturally I told her it couldn’t have been you

  and that you’d sooner commit suicide

  than eat dinner off a plate a male stranger had touched

  that’s very kind of you

  but I’m afraid it must have been me she saw


  you know in New York we eat dinner from all kinds of waiters

  all the time

  oh my god

  how fun for you

  New York sounds just

  it just sounds

  talk later

  bye then


  Les Misérables

  where are you?

  I am so there

  this barricade is going to be an absolute HAPPENING you guys

  don’t start without me

  i am on my way in like five minutes


  I’m concerned that you don’t really understand

  the reason for our movement

  oh my god

  what do you mean

  I sometimes question your commitment to the cause

  how could you possibly even question that

  I don’t know, Marius

  maybe it’s because you have missed every one of

  our clashes with the police

  because you were still studying for the bar

  to bring down the system from within!


  your father is a baron

  He’s an actual baron


  only a Napoleonic baron

  that’s still a baron

  well when you say it like that

  how did i say it

  i don’t know

  it’s just how you said it

  are you coming or not?

  i’m definitely so much coming for sure

  quick question

  can i bring my girlfriend

  oh my god

  she’s totally into barricades

  it’ll be great

  you’ll love her

  her dad was in jail so

  she totally gets it if you know what i mean


  wait or he’s a cop

  I can’t remember

  he definitely has been to a jail

  either as a cop or a jail guy

  haha prisoner

  “jail guy”


  on my way rn

  oh hold up do you guys want me to bring anything??


  could you

  in your own words

  explain what we are fighting for, do you think?

  just as a favor to me

  haha what a goofy question

  ya goof

  for the REVOLUTION

  yes exactly

  but could you list for me

  one or two of the revolution’s goals

  or aims


  rise up

  right right

  that is in a broad sense the goal of all revolutions

  can you be even the slightest bit more specific


  the right to work


  the right to stop working

  nobody has too many jobs

  something about jobs

  annnd voting??

  it’s the Huguenots


  ugghh um um um

  there’s too much bread

  everyone’s sick of bread

  oh my god

  Napoleon’s back

  Napoleon took everyone’s bread

  I swear to god I so know this

  marius where are you

  i am at the barricade with your note

  sorry new phone who is this

  it’s eponine

  ohhhhh heyy babe

  i’m out rn

  buying bracelets for cosette

  so i can’t really talk


  can you just hang tight there for a while

  if i can find shelter from the bullets


  hey which bracelet do you think cosette would like better

  the one with diamonds

  or the one with diamonds PLUS rubies

  hey babe




  what does your dad do


  for jail


  i mean like

  your dad was in jail right

  he’s like a revolutionary or a murderer or something



  i guess that was someone else

  someone else?

  oh my god babe not like that

  i just mean someone else’s dad must have gone to jail

  he did go to jail

  oh right on

  right on

  that’s right on for sure

  but not for murder

  oh awesome

  my parents will be so relieved

  Enjolras will be bummed though

  oh babe while i have you

  would you rather honeymoon on the Riviera

  or just like, hot-air balloon around the world

  I hadn’t thought about it

  should we make any decisions before the revolution?

  mmm probably not

  let’s just say PROBABLY hot-air balloon around the world

  but see what happens first

  w/r/t revolutions

  topple that damned Louis XVI!!!

  that already happened


  we already toppled Louis XVI

  in the first revolution

  in the 1700s

  wait so do we not do a king anymore like at all

  there’s a different king now

  what’s his name


  oh my go
d how many guys named Louis are there

  no wonder there’s a revolution



  do you want to come to the revolution with me??

  it might be lame but we can bail whenever

  and there’s something going on after I know about

  so we can just stop by