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Texts from Jane Eyre Page 5

  Sir, the crew begs that you leave off your mad pursuit

  We are sick from it, we are sick to the point of perishing

  We must return to port



  terribly mad

  I’m just mad for

  revenge and so on

  all types of revenge for my legs, and whatnot



  just the leg

  he only took the one leg right

  Captain, I do not know what the whale took from you

  oh I’m just

  furious about it

  the legs, I mean

  and the whale


  Did you know that the digestive organs of the whale are so

  inscrutably constructed that it is quite impossible for him to

  completely digest even a man’s arm?

  I didn’t

  well it’s true

  think about that

  think about that the next time you’re thinking about whales

  Great Expectations

  Sarah, darling!

  Got your note

  oh lovely

  couldn’t possibly make it over for the christening

  as I’m simply swamped at the moment

  (you may recall I was left at the altar

  and have spent the intervening years reeling from the betrayal)

  yes I remember

  Wish terribly I could make it

  but you know how it is

  being jilted


  we’ll set out a piece of cake for you just in case

  Please don’t worry about me

  I’m surrounded by the ruins of an aching, hopeless love that’s

  slowly congealing into poison

  so I’m keeping busy

  much love to the baby

  thank you

  if it’s a boy I hope you drown it


  Pip what are you doing right now

  I’m at work

  what’s up

  did you know that my name would have been Mrs. Compeyson

  if I’d married my fiancé Mr. Compeyson


  but I never did marry him


  because as you recall

  I was abandoned on my wedding day

  by my fiancé

  (Mr. Compeyson)

  and have never never

  never recovered

  but I’m just thrilled to hear that you’re doing so well

  just Havisham will do for now

  unless he comes back

  is there anything in particular you need from me right now?

  all men are dogs Pip


  write that down

  I will

  really write it down though

  are you writing it down?


  I think you’re just saying you’re writing it down

  no I wrote it down

  Estella what are you doing tonight

  do you want to come over and look at wedding photos

  I don’t think I can

  that’s okay

  I never had wedding photos anyway

  because I never got to have a wedding

  I don’t know if I ever told you that

  I never want to see another save the date invite again

  oh my godddd

  Has she been doing it to you too?


  or like

  I think so

  because I keep getting pictures of wedding dresses from a

  blocked number

  Gone with the Wind

  where r u

  Scarlett I’m at work

  I can’t text right now

  need u at mill

  Scarlett I have the baby with me I really can’t come to the mill

  what baby

  My baby.

  Beau. My baby with Melanie.

  guess what kind of corset im wearing

  I don’t see what this has to do with

  im not ;)

  Darling, I was going through some old things this morning

  and found Charles’ ornamental officer’s sash

  I thought you’d like to have it

  So I gave it to Mammy for cleaning and she’ll give it to you later

  who is charles

  Scarlett, how you joke!

  was he that guy

  I know it pains you to speak of him

  that’s why you act so high-spirited about it

  and I think it’s simply marvelous of you

  But you don’t have to be brave with me, Scarlett dear

  that guy with like the chin thing

  I miss him too

  guess what i turned my mourning gown into

  But I know he’s looking after us — always

  i made four backless shimmies out of it


  mammy r u up

  What is it, Scarlett

  do we have any of that chocolate stuff left

  with the swirls on it

  I don’t know, Scarlett

  can you check

  Honey, I’ll get it for you just as soon as the doctor lets me

  get out of bed

  He says the typhoid is awfully bad this spring

  what even is typhoid

  It’s nothing

  I’ve got a little touch of it is all

  but I’ll be fine, don’t you worry

  haha omg ur gonna get so thin

  my waist is like nineteen inches already im a whale

  listen to me talking about that chocolate stuff

  don’t let me have any!!!

  All right

  ok no but seriously bring me like one jar

  just one though

  4 missed calls

  ohhh my god she will not stop CALLING

  its like

  im not a baby catcher ok

  sorry ur “in labor” again or whatever

  im in labor too

  in the fields picking cotton or whatever the hell is growing

  out of those bushes

  ive had like four babies already, it’s not a big deal AT ALL

  I’m sorry, darling – I know I’ve been such a bother during all this

  I’ll try for Dr. Meade again.

  oh my god

  who is this

  Why, it’s Mellie, darling!

  It’s your Mellie

  oh hiii

  It does me good when you joke with me like this

  Everyone else treats me like I’ll fall to pieces, but not you

  haha i will be like right there




  ashley r u there


  (im DRUNK (from brandy))

  remember that time we made out in the barn

  Scarlett, it’s four in the morning

  and I have to get up in two hours to run your mill

  Please don’t text me this late

  oh i sold the mill


  did i not tell you that

  Oh my God.

  did you know that pantalets are out this year

  that’s why im not wearing any




  Hello, Scarlett

  what r u doing

  Still in jail, I’m afraid


  i want to go out and no one can go out

  I’m sorry to have inconvenienced you, my dear

  i am so so so bored

  Bored, my dear? With a mind like yours?

  That’s something even I can’t imagine.

  is that a joke

  I can assure you I am quite serious

  ur making fun of me

  this is exactly why ur not received

  Edgar Allan Poe


  where are you


  where are you?

  you’re like two hours late

  it’s almost midnight

  i can’t get out of the house right now

  is your car blocked?

  do you need a ride?


  it’s like

  there’s this bird

  there’s a bird on your car?

  no he’s sitting on my statue

  it’s like

  mm it just keeps looking at me

  got those fiery bird eyes

  you know?


  fired up eyebirds

  you know

  like how when a bird looks at you so much

  that you can’t leave the house



  that’s never happened to me

  well it’s happening like crazy over here

  so i have to keep looking at him

  it might take a while

  oh and plus i fell asleep reading

  i was asleep for like an hour

  i literally just woke up

  and now i have this bird thing to deal with

  so i don’t think i’m going to make it tonight

  sorry hun :)

  search Contacts for “Lenore”

  Contact not found

  hey i’m going to be late to Kim’s thing

  can’t really leave the house right now

  save a seat for me though okay

  is that bird still there?


  lol what bird?



  but that’s not the point

  the bird’s fine, whatever

  it’s the bells

  the bells?


  the bells, bells, bells, bells,

  bells, bells, bells-

  what bells?

  from the jingling and the tinkling of the bells

  what bells are in your house?

  oh man what kind of bells AREN’T here

  mellow wedding bells

  golden bells

  loud alarum bells

  brazen bells

  terror bells

  terror bells?

  All kinds of bells

  the anger of the bells

  the horror of the bells

  the iron bells

  sobbing bells, bells, bells, bells, bells,

  bells, bells, bells, bells


  okay I’ll save you a seat

  yeah definitely save me a seat though

  i’m for sure going to make it

  i just have to sit through the bells first


  search Contacts for “Lost Lenore”

  Contact not found

  hey is Virginia going to be there

  which Virginia?

  the hot one

  I don’t know which one you mean

  the one who’s always sick

  i think she has cholera

  or tuberculosis or something

  the tall one?


  the redhead?

  the one whose dad is brothers with my dad

  your cousin Virginia?

  lol idk how else you make cousins

  except for having dads that are brothers

  so yeah


  I don’t know

  save me a seat next to her okay

  if she’s coming



  ok don’t be mad at me


  i feel like you’re going to be mad at me

  or like you’re mad at me

  or something

  so don’t be mad at me

  you’re not coming

  i can’t coooome to the thiiiiing tonight

  i’m so sorry

  you can’t leave the house?

  oh my god

  i canNOT leave the house

  I feel like that’s turning into a thing with you

  what do you mean


  like last week

  you couldn’t leave the house

  because you were too busy looking at a bird

  is it the bird thing again?





  i wasn’t LOOKING at a bird

  wow where is this even coming from

  the BIRD

  wouldn’t stop LOOKING

  at ME


  that’s a really big difference

  anyone can look at a bird

  i could go look at a bird right now if i wanted

  i could go look at the same bird

  he’s still fucking here

  not that you asked

  I literally just did ask

  fuck you

  why can’t you leave the house

  oh my god

  where to even START

  there’s a heart in the floor

  and it will not shut uppppp of beating

  but that’s not even the main thing

  there’s a cat with one eye that keeps calling me a murderer


  did you murder anyone?


  you know what you sound like right now?

  do I sound like the cat

  you sound like the cat with one eye

  I’m just asking because you said you had a heart in the floor

  I said there WAS a heart in the floor

  not that i HAD a heart in the floor

  there are a lot of reasons a person could have a heart in their floor

  not just murder reasons

  thanks a lot though

  Treasure Island


  you want to know where the treasure is?

  i don,t care

  i dont care

  i’ll tell you

  You will?

  tell you about treasures

  tell you about all the treasures i wanna tell you about

  Thank you

  Thank you so much

  this could end the fighting between the men

  no but Jim

  Jim Jim Jim Jim


  I’m listening

  I’m ready

  listen to me

  the real treasure is friendship, Jim

  you and me is the real treasure

  if I could rename Treasure Island

  Id call it my friend jim island

  I would


  jim remINd me

  how many legs do you have


  no no no no yes

  how many legs

  do you have under your body

  like for walking

  I’m sorry

  I shouldn’t have brought it up

  is it two

  because if it’s two


  are either of them A STICK

  it’s two

  then sounds to me like you’re one LUCKY Jim





  This is a joke to you?

  You laugh?

  This is my death warrant


  what devilry is this?

  how came you by this symbol?

  it’s emojiiiis

  hey jimbles


  theres a LOT of things you can bury you know

  not just treasure

  what have you been burying?


  what have you buried?


  what can’t you bury jim

  im just saying if you want to bury something besides treasure

  you probably can

  what are you doing right now


  hey can u look something up for me

  how long do birds live

specifically parrots

